How to get a job in Guyana? Getting a job in Guyana is not always a simple step-by-step process there are many ways you can get a job depending on the job type you seek. There are a number of job opportunities within Guyana that persons seeking the opportunity can venture into to get hired. Before attempting to get any job in Guyana it is essential to get a hold of primary documents that companies hiring would ask for.
Primary Documents Needed to Get A Job in Guyana
The primary Documents needed to get a job in Guyana are as follows;
- Work Permit (If you are abroad)
- ID card
- Nis
- CV and resume
- Reference
- Covid Card (For some companies)
- Police Clearance
Before applying for any Job, do ensure you grab these documents as most companies will require you to present them at the job interview.
Locating jobs in Guyana is possible by doing research take for example on this website you can find lots of jobs, you can also find more jobs through our TikTok page following this link. There are jobs found in the public sector as well as the private sector. To find jobs in the public sector you can use the ministry websites. Take for example https://dpi.gov.gy/ is one of the website you can visit to have access to all other ministry websites. Below I will list those websites as well:
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of Amerindian Affairs
- Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Housing and Water
- Ministry of Human Services and Social Security
- Ministry of Labour
- Ministry of Legal Affairs
- Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Ministry of Public Service
- Ministry of Public Works
- Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce
- Office of the President
- Office of the Prime Minister
- The Official Gazette of Guyana
By visiting these links and clicking on the career page you can find recent job listings within the various ministries. There are other ways you can do this by visiting each ministry page on Facebook. There are instances where the jobs of the various ministries can also be found in the local newspapers.
To find jobs in the private sector you can also do simple research on Facebook. There are a number of companies in Guyana hiring with flyers on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. Most of these jobs would have a closing date, so ensuring you apply within the specified employment period is important.
The majority of persons seek jobs in the Military and this also is possible, example applying for a job in the Guyana police force can be done by visiting their website https://guyanapoliceforce.gy/ The Guyana Police force from time to time will have an active recruitment drive in which they place flyers on their social media pages.
How to find Oil and Gas Jobs in Guyana
With newfound oil, Guyana’s oil and gas sector continues to provide opportunities for locals and internationals to be hired in the oil sector. There are a number of companies hiring Guyanese nationals who provide manpower to ExxonMobil. You can easily highlight these companies by visiting ExxonMobil’s social media page. Likewise working offshore in Guyana is a possibility with many offshore jobs becoming more prevalent. One company that provides continuous updates is Eldorado offshore.
Always ensure your Resume is well written when applying for any jobs in Guyana, Our recent post highlights how you can write a great resume.