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Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana

Here is a List of Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana

Do you know any of these oil and gas companies in Guyana?

Guyana, a South American nation nestled on the northeastern coast, has been making waves in the global energy landscape with its burgeoning oil and gas industry. Blessed with significant offshore oil reserves, the country has attracted the attention of major international players in the energy sector. Here, we delve into the realm of Guyana’s oil and gas industry, unveiling the prominent oil and gas companies in Guyana and driving its development.

The Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana listed in this article are either currently exploring within Guyana or have previously operated. The companies listed are for educational purposes and to spread awareness to job seekers.


Undoubtedly, ExxonMobil stands out as a key player in Guyana’s oil and gas sector. The company made significant discoveries in the Stabroek Block, estimating billions of barrels of recoverable oil. ExxonMobil, in partnership with Hess Corporation and CNOOC, has been spearheading exploration and production activities, setting the stage for Guyana’s emergence as a major oil producer.

Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana
Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana

Hess Corporation:

Collaborating with ExxonMobil and CNOOC, Hess Corporation holds a substantial stake in the Stabroek Block. Leveraging its expertise in exploration and production, Hess has contributed to the successful development of offshore oil fields in Guyana. The company’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable operations aligns with Guyana’s aspirations for responsible resource development.

CNOOC Limited:

As China’s largest offshore oil and gas producer, CNOOC Limited brings extensive experience and technological prowess to Guyana’s energy sector. Partnering with ExxonMobil and Hess Corporation, CNOOC has played a crucial role in the exploration and development of offshore oil reserves, fostering cooperation and knowledge exchange in the global energy arena.

Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana

Tullow Oil:

Tullow Oil, a leading independent oil and gas exploration and production company, has also secured a foothold in Guyana’s energy landscape. Operating in the Orinduik Block, Tullow Oil has been actively involved in exploration activities, contributing to the diversification of Guyana’s offshore oil portfolio and enhancing the country’s prospects as a significant hydrocarbon province.

Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana


Spanish energy giant Repsol has made its mark in Guyana’s oil and gas sector through strategic exploration endeavors. With interests in the Kanuku and Kaieteur Blocks, Repsol has been leveraging its technical expertise to unlock the potential of Guyana’s offshore resources, further bolstering the country’s position as a promising frontier for hydrocarbon exploration.

Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana


TotalEnergies, a global integrated energy company, has also joined the ranks of companies operating in Guyana’s oil and gas sector. With a focus on sustainable development and innovation, TotalEnergies has been actively engaged in exploration activities in the offshore basin, contributing to the discovery and development of hydrocarbon resources in Guyana’s waters.

Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana

Ratio Energy Limited:

Ratio Energy Limited, an Israeli-based exploration and production company, has secured licenses in Guyana’s offshore blocks, demonstrating the growing international interest in the country’s energy potential. With a commitment to responsible operations and community engagement, Ratio Energy Limited is poised to play a significant role in Guyana’s emerging oil and gas industry.

CGX Energy Inc.:

CGX Energy Inc., a Canadian exploration company, has been exploring offshore blocks in Guyana’s prolific basin, aiming to unlock the country’s vast hydrocarbon reserves. With a focus on innovation and sustainable development, CGX Energy Inc. is contributing to the expansion of Guyana’s energy sector, fostering economic growth and prosperity.

Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana

Eco Atlantic Oil & Gas:

Eco Atlantic, a Canadian-based exploration and production company, holds interests in the Orinduik and Canje Blocks offshore Guyana. With a focus on high-potential exploration opportunities, Eco Atlantic has been actively involved in drilling campaigns, contributing to the ongoing appraisal and development of Guyana’s hydrocarbon resources.

Oil and Gas Companies in Guyana

Mid-Atlantic Oil & Gas:

Mid-Atlantic Oil & Gas, a subsidiary of Touchstone Exploration Inc., is another player in Guyana’s oil and gas sector. The company holds interests in the Kanuku Block and has been conducting exploration activities aimed at delineating prospective hydrocarbon accumulations, adding to the country’s resource base and economic potential.

JHI Associates Inc.:

JHI Associates, an independent exploration company, has secured licenses in Guyana’s offshore blocks, signaling its commitment to tapping into the country’s energy wealth. With a focus on leveraging advanced geological and geophysical techniques, JHI Associates aims to identify and develop commercially viable oil and gas discoveries in Guyana’s offshore basin.

Qatar Petroleum:

Qatar Petroleum, a leading global energy company, has also entered Guyana’s energy scene through strategic partnerships and investments. With a focus on collaboration and technology transfer, Qatar Petroleum aims to leverage its expertise in upstream operations to support the development of Guyana’s oil and gas industry, fostering mutual growth and prosperity.

Midwestern Oil & Gas Company Limited:

Midwestern Oil & Gas Company Limited, a Nigerian-based exploration and production company, has expanded its footprint into Guyana’s offshore blocks. With a track record of successful operations in diverse geographies, Midwestern Oil & Gas brings valuable experience and capabilities to Guyana’s emerging energy sector.

Frontera Energy Corporation:

Frontera Energy Corporation, a Canadian-based exploration and production company, has also set its sights on Guyana’s promising hydrocarbon resources. With a commitment to responsible operations and sustainable development, Frontera Energy is contributing to the exploration and appraisal of offshore prospects, bolstering Guyana’s position as a key player in the global energy landscape.

These companies, along with those previously mentioned, represent a diverse array of expertise and resources driving the development of Guyana’s oil and gas sector. As exploration and production activities continue to unfold, their contributions will be instrumental in unlocking the full potential of Guyana’s rich hydrocarbon endowment, shaping the country’s economic trajectory for years to come.

As Guyana continues to chart its course as a significant player in the global energy arena, the contributions of these oil and gas companies are instrumental in shaping the country’s future. With sustained investment, technological innovation, and a commitment to environmental stewardship, Guyana is poised to harness its vast hydrocarbon resources for the benefit of its people and the broader global community. As the industry evolves, these companies will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in Guyana’s journey towards energy security and sustainable development.

How do I secure a job in the oil and gas industry in Guyana?

Securing a job in the oil and gas sector in Guyana can be a rewarding endeavor, given the industry’s rapid growth and the multitude of opportunities emerging in this sector. Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of landing a job in the oil and gas industry in Guyana

Research the Industry:
Conduct thorough research on the oil and gas sector in Guyana. Understand the key players, recent developments, ongoing projects, and future prospects to tailor your job search effectively.

Enhance Your Education and Skills:
Pursue relevant degrees, certifications, or vocational training programs aligned with the industry’s demands. Develop expertise in areas such as petroleum engineering, geology, geophysics, offshore operations, safety management, or environmental regulations.

Build Relevant Experience:
Gain practical experience through internships, co-op programs, or entry-level positions in related industries. Seek opportunities to work with engineering firms, service providers, or government agencies involved in energy and resource management.

Network Effectively:
Attend industry conferences, seminars, workshops, and networking events to connect with professionals, recruiters, and hiring managers. Join industry associations, online forums, and social media groups to expand your network and stay updated on industry trends.

Customize Your Resume and Cover Letter:
Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences. Use industry-specific keywords and terminology to demonstrate your understanding of the oil and gas sector.

Apply for Jobs:
Monitor job openings on online job boards, company websites, and industry-specific portals. Customize your applications for each opportunity, emphasizing how your background and experiences make you a strong fit for the role.

Be Flexible and Persistent:
Remain flexible and persistent in your job search, exploring different roles, locations, or companies. Follow up on applications and continue networking to uncover new opportunities.

Prepare for Interviews:
Thoroughly prepare for interviews by researching the company, understanding the job requirements, and practicing common interview questions. Highlight your technical knowledge, past projects, and how you can contribute to the organization’s success.

Utilize LinkedIn:
Create a professional LinkedIn profile, join industry groups, and connect with professionals in the oil and gas sector. Engage with content, share industry insights, and participate in discussions to expand your network and visibility within the industry. Regularly update your profile and leverage LinkedIn’s features to enhance your job search efforts.